Free yourself from repetitive,
manual tasks and processes with automation
Robotic Process Automation is innovative technology that allows employees to focus on high priority tasks by getting ‘robots’ to carry out monotonous, routine tasks. Our bots work directly across one central hub, automatically entering data and triggering action across multiple systems on behalf of employees.
No more time-consuming tasks. No more monotonous processes.
“Therefore, sont les avantages d’intégrer SenSaaS! dans Oracle ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION ?
“Therefore, sont les avantages d’intégrer SenSaaS! dans Oracle ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION ?
“Therefore, sont les avantages d’intégrer SenSaaS! dans Oracle ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION ?
RPA uses technology programmed to mimic manual tasks in internal or external systems, on the Web, or anywhere else employees collect or share data.These tasks are completed automatically, eliminating errors, delivering 100% data accuracy and providing for the creation of proper connections to ERP solutions. In a nutshell, our artificial intelligence technology manages digital processes which instantly and accurately execute time-consuming, manual tasks and procedures across your organization from finance to accounting to customer service.
We work with you to bring business and IT professionals together, help you understand the potential of robotic process automation (RPA) and devise a strategy that will enable you to meet your business goals quickly and inexpensively. We assist you in:

Understanding your automation objectives and level of familiarity with RPA technology.

Exploring potential automation solutions and products intended to leverage your business’s existing assets.

Prioritizing your automation solutions and devising a roadmap based on value to your business, technical risk and duration.

Documenting your business automation strategy.

With Robotic Process Automation (RPA), you can manage your business processes like never before. Simple, efficient, streamlined operations for every department.

Robots work round the clock

Processes executed more quickly than if carried out manually

Savings in terms of ‘off-shore’ resources

Savings in terms of ‘on-shore’ resources
Areas in which automation excels:
Data processing: Collecting and entering data is a monotonous, time-consuming task with a margin of error necessarily greater when operations are carried out manually. Automation not only collects and analyses data at lightning speed, but also does so with unfailing accuracy.
Invoicing: Almost all companies have invoices to be processed. A major part of any organization, the invoicing process must be smooth, effective and streamlined, making automation the perfect tool for the job.
Reporting: Knowing and understanding one’s market is critical. Since each and every insight counts when making high-stakes decisions, automation represents an invaluable tool for collecting and reporting key market information and distributing it company-wide.
Customer Management: Customers connect with all departments of an organization on a daily basis. With automation, your business is poised to deliver quick, easy, effective, up-to-date information with a view to providing the highest level of customer service.
Portal queries and pricing: Enterprises operating in portals must keep a close eye on fluctuating prices. Using the power of automation, robots monitor and report on pricing information across multiple channels in real time.
Price comparisons: Preparing customer quotes almost always means comparing supplier prices. Automation does so instantly, enabling you to deliver accurate, high-quality pricing on all quotes prepared.
Order processing: In some instances, sales order pricing may be valid for a limited time. Using a combination of artificial intelligence and automation, price checks on specific products and comparisons of current/quoted prices are quickly and efficiently conducted for you.
Delivery reconciliation: Businesses offering online ordering must have the means of matching orders against shipments. Why not automate your process and enjoy instant accuracy? Using artificial intelligence, you will be poised to check and approve matching orders, and receive notifications whenever exceptions occur.

Customer service:
Collecting, storing and entering key customer data.

Handling time-consuming processes and collecting information in one location.

Financial services:
Streamlining important processing tasks and ensuring pinpoint accuracy.

Bridging the gap between personnel processes and patient care.

Human resources:
Rendering hiring, management and benefits infinitely more efficient.

Supply chain management:
Providing simple, easy-to-understand information intended to enhance customer service and decision-making.
Scalability – Speed – Reliability – Simplicity – Intelligence – Accuracy

Understanding that time is of the essence, we ensure that our bots hit the ground running to get your team set up and operating in no time.

The automation of hundreds or even thousands of tasks requires that systems be healthy and stable. We provide tools designed to maintain and monitor system health.

No matter how complex background tasks may be, each automated system must sport a simple, user-friendly interface. All automated solutions at Integrim focus on avoiding information overload and making life as easy as possible for users.

Our tools support simple, task-based activities, read and write to any data source, and tap into advanced learning resources to improve and enhance automation features.

The data you store, gather and receive is vitally important to your company’s operations. With Integrim, you can expect unerring accuracy 100% of the time.
Would you like to learn how we can help your organization increase productivity and efficiency by simplifying and automating your business processes?
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