Here are some frequently asked questions about SenSaaS!

Business process automation

We know we have to automate, our competitors are doing it, it’s just a question of when. But we’re just too busy and we don’t have the resources to commit to a project.

INTEGRIM’s team will provide you with the best practices based on over 30 years of providing AP automation solutions to make the process as seamless and painless as possible. Let us show you how!

How can you ensure the security of information contained in scanned documents?

Security is ensured through the development, implementation and monitoring of access rules to documents before and after scanning and during the destruction of documents. The access rules must be based on the “Security Policies” of the organization approved by management.

What is the timeline required to deploy the solutions offered by INTEGRIM?

As an example, standard AP automation processes usually involve approximately 15 days of effort spaced out over several weeks. This time is necessary to configure interfaces and business rules specific to the client’s financial system.

There is also a period required to train the ‘users’ or ‘super users’ in order to achieve optimal efficiency and adoption and to provide staff with the proper user documentation.

We’re already automated….

Just so we understand you correctly, you don’t do any manual data entry for your invoices or purchase orders? 

How about your accounts receivable deductions management?  With an increasing trend in applying undocumented claims and rebates to their payments, clients are probably putting a serious burden on your accounts receivable deductions management operations. By automating your AR deductions management with advanced extraction technologies and applying resulting datasets to your business rules and operations, SenSaaS! can drive ROI and restore the efficiency of your compensation processes.

We don’t want to create employee fears about job losses due to the introduction of these technologies.

Robotic process automation (RPA) has quickly become inevitable BUT there will still be jobs for humans.

We may “replace” parts of jobs, but that doesn’t necessarily leave us jobless. Companies will have the potential to provide employees with more stimulating work, while RPA can handle the tedious tasks that require most employees to drink that fourth cup of coffee before the day is through. RPA gives us the ability to harness what makes us human: innovation and creativity. For example, rather than CFOs having to spend much of their time examining spreadsheets on past expenses, they can analyze a wealth of real-time data to pinpoint future opportunities and mitigate future risk.

We’re already set up with an accounting system / ERP…

Do you have a system that you acquired on the market or a system developed in house?  SenSaaS! integrated solutions solve the complexities related to many aspects of your needs. We can integrate our solution to any existing accounting system or ERP, such as: SAP, SAP Business One, Oracle E-Business Suite, Acomba, Syspro, Avantage SharePoint and many others. 

Automation is not a priority.

We understand, but what we’re offering is a cloud-based solution to cut your operating costs.  Our clients have all reduced their operational costs by at least 30% in accounts payable/order departments.

Inefficient processes, errors, re-work, and delays in these processes mean postponements in the critical inflow of cash to the business, which in turn could cause a cash crunch in the business’s own payments to its suppliers. 


We do not have a budget for capital expenditures, even though we know automation will have a great ROI for us

Capex or Opex, we provide the same technology in the cloud with SenSaaS! Turn your AP department into an operating expense and save your capital for more mission-critical initiatives. Your ROI can be almost instantaneous in the cloud!

We do not have the budget.

We completely understand this. However, ROI for this is INSTANTANEOUS. Typically, our clients:

  • Reduce per invoice processing costs by at least 30%.
  • Reduce manual data entry by an average of 83% (no human intervention.)
  • Reduce invoice processing time: what took 4-5 days is now processed instantaneously.

We are able to capture the data of almost everything that is manually entered so that you can cut out human intervention.

Capex or Opex, we provide the same technology in the cloud with our mature SenSaaS! product. Turn your AP department into an operating expense and save your capital for more mission-critical initiatives. Your ROI can be almost instantaneous in the cloud!

Top-performing finance functions focus on standardizing end-to-end finance processes regarding activities, accountability, tools, data and reporting, formatting, and measurement. 

Transform Accounts Payable
We want to automate the finance department, but our IT department is too busy and we can’t get on their calendar.

IT departments are an integral but very small part of the process, as we have many years of experience in integrating with many different systems. Most of the heavy lifting is done with the business units, who are the experts in their field – we get to know each other very well!

Our AP are not centralized, we have multiple offices across the country, there is no standardization, we make many errors and have no effective insight into some of our operations.

Automation allows for seamless processing across an unlimited number of locations. Local offices can still be involved in the submission of invoices, as well as in the approval workflow. The standardization of business rules ensures that all processes are maintained according to these rules while providing insight to anyone involved in the process. Mobile capability is available with many of our solutions.

We send thousands of invoices by expensive couriers on a weekly basis to Head Office for approval. This creates unnecessary expense and delay in getting our invoices paid, too many of our suppliers are unhappy and we don’t want to lose them.

Automation allows for the elimination of paper. All invoices can be submitted and approved through the Web. Faster processing, the elimination of paper, no more lost documents and mobile approval capability speed up processing and dramatically drive down costs.

What’s the first step when embarking on an AP Project?

The first recommendation we make is to ”clean” vendor files. This is often a key step because a specific supplier may appear to be in more than one occurrence and with varying addresses while only ONE address is a valid one.

All of the invoices that we receive are unique and different.

Today’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technologies provide a very high degree of precision and performance. OCR captures and extracts supplier invoice information with impeccable speed and accuracy and is not template-based per supplier. This includes a comprehensive range of document formats for a broad spectrum of users.

Your organization will also improve and increase the rate of quality control of the extracted data into your supplier invoices. It is therefore safe to say that automation gives the manager the ability to quickly ascertain and identify potential problems and patterns which will also minimize and reduce errors.

We don’t have time to take on any new tools – we’re too busy with other projects at the moment.

Of course – we understand. However, all potential projects require a discovery analysis/audit activity which consists of a few days (2-3) to determine the breadth and scope of such an initiative for the successful realization of a document automation project.

Standard AP automation processes usually involve approximately 15 days of effort spaced out over several weeks. This time is necessary to configure interfaces and business rules specific to the client’s financial system.

The idea is to allow the department to become an Exception Management Centre and thereby relieve itself of having to uselessly handle already correctly-matching received supplier invoices.


Would you like to learn how we can help your organization increase productivity and efficiency by simplifying and automating your business processes?


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