Accounts Payables Automation
Therefore It constitutes a key doorway for the arrival of incoming documentation to be passed on for optimal business processes and executed by the other departments.

Accounts Payables Automation
Because so many document types end up in the mailroom on a daily basis, it is imperative to consider reduced paper as part of mailroom automation solutions. As such, a digital mailroom solution becomes a logical requirement in order to simplify and accelerate the management and processing of all incoming paper and electronic data.
Key benefits of digital mailroom automation:
- Increased productivity
- Reduced operational costs
- Reduced mailroom space allocation
- Greater precision in the data
- Enhanced visibility and better control of data
- Increased speed of receiving, processing and delivery
- Improved flow of document and data interchange
- Increased client satisfaction
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Automating incoming mail; lower the costs and reduce the errors
Accounts Payables Automation
In addition, the various suite of technologies offered by INTEGRIM such as Fujitsu, OPEX and Kodak will be paired up with document scanning, intelligent data capture and automatic extraction and validation processes. This will in turn significantly minimize and reduce errors, help you to lower storage space and archiving costs as well as speed up the process throughout all phases of the cycle in the mailroom.

The Mailroom : greater precision, visibility and speed of information
Accounts Payables Automation
Greater control and visibility allows for enhanced traceability and accountability of all the information received to be shared and transferred. By automating many of the steps in the digital mailroom, the organization can remain optimally compliant to its pre-defined process and as a result quickly identify the non compliant incoming documents at its arrival point.
In the current competitive state of affairs in many organizations, the mailroom automation function constitutes a major driver for an optimal customer experience (CX). AS a result, the digital transformation of mailroom communications speeds up the flow of validated information and improved decision making across the whole group.
The central key element of a digitized mailroom rests upon the core function of converting and transforming paper and data into electronic documents. Its core objective is to simplify and standardize the process and quickly accomplish the tasks related to the received information by the correct user or client.
Accounts Payables Automation
Automating the mailroom with INTEGRIM’s various solutions will allow quick, precise and efficient capture of the data in a centralised fashion from any/all incoming data regardless of its format or activity sector.
INTEGRIM is a technology company dedicated to offering an integrated platform which allows automation